Luz y sombra, 2014
Série| A personal approach on the bullfighting world as fascinating as contradictory.
Sporting priests, 2014
Series | Portraits of five priests who exercise their ministry while seriously practicing a sport.
In situ : Analogia, 2014
Series | Using a modified view camera, Pierre Elie de Pibrac produced a series of photos shot within the very walls of the Palais Garnier.
Kindergartens, 2014
Serie | Kindergartens in all imaginable shapes and colors. A room full of harps in one photograph, toys covering the floor on another, Massimo Siragusa explores the places of experimentation and life that constitute kindergartens.
Ambrosi Factory, 2014
Serie | In 2014, Siragusa visited the Italian factory Ambrosi in Brescia in Lombardy.
Fort McMurray, 2014
Series | A disproportionate city, a boomtown, a polluted city: Fort McMurray, Alberta (Canada) is the largest energetic project on earth.
The Hard Workers of the Peruvian Guano (The Chincha Islands), 2014
Series | The guano, produced through the accumulation of these birds’ excrements, is an extraordinary organic fertilizer. For that reason, in 1845, England and the United States began to exploit it. Today, the Peruvian government still exploits about twenty islands along the country’s coast.
Le gout des mandarines, 2011
Serie | Sometimes, memories are linked with five senses. And it is sometimes strange. For me, it would be a sound. Sometimes it is linked with a taste, sometimes with a scent.
Somewhere else, 2014
A visual travel memoir of conceptual photos documenting the emotional strain and release of living in the unfamiliar. Shot in a six month span while living out of a car and wandering around the United States.
Under Pressure, 2014
Serie | “Under Pressure” is the portrait of this intimate fragility. It illustrates how we, as women of our time, continue running and tripping over in an attempt to deliver something more emancipated for our daughters and for the future generations.
Balard, Future Ministry of Defense, 2013
Serie | Throughout 2013, Vincent Catala has been commissioned by the Ministry of Defense and the Bouygues Group (Project Manager) to produce a photographic work.
Sète, 2013
Series| Sète in winter, in black and white, looked at in the most accurate manner possible, comes through as the opposite of the clichés: a quest for sunshine, postcards, colour, excess, Mediterranean.
Hijab in Indonesia, 2013
Serie | Before the 1980’s, only few women wore the veil in Indonesia. This Islamic fashion trend has really started towards the early 2000’s.
Tokyo, The Most Populated City In The World, 2013
Series | Tokyo, crushing city. Tiredness is the main feeling. Still one hour train before coming back home in the nearby prefectures. Saitama, Chiba or Kanagawa. Train stations come one after the other, all identical.
Life After Typhoon Haiyan, 2013
At the center of the Filipino archipelago, the typhoon Haiyan ravaged mountains, hills and plains on November 8th 2013. More than 6,000 deaths and nearly 4 million displaced, Haiyan left a huge ravaged land in its path, a grey area that looks like death from the air, and that inspires fear.
Lo Spazio Condiviso : The Shared Space , 2013
Serie | From the Acitrezza Fishermen's Club to the Parma Reading Club, from the Genoa Yacht Club to the Syracuse Railway Club, this series takes us into spaces that are sometimes inclusive and sometimes exclusive.
Water Hole, 2013
I have always been fascinated by this combined experience of exhilaration and fear. I feel it when swimming in the ocean or even in the relative safety of a backyard pool.
Qatar football lovers, 2013
Serie | Since the announcement that the 2022 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by Qatar, this state has taken on a dominating role in the economic world of soccer.
Mongol Warriors, 2013
Each year during summer, Mongolia celebrates the Naadam. This week-long festivity celebrates the country’s independence from China.
The days after, 2013
The days after, portraits of migrants in Cenon, portrays the lives of a dozen people who agreed to tell their story, that of an immigration sometimes chosen, most of the time suffered, that Christophe Goussard photographed in their intimacy, in places they love.
Yekaterinburg Constructivism, 2013
In September 2013, the G20 meeting was held in the city of St. Petersburg. On this occasion, the Russian National Wews Agency RIA NOVOSTI commissioned twenty internationally renowned photographers (each from one of the G20 countries) to produce a report on Russia.
Nuns of Colombia, 2013
Serie | In 2012, Françoise Huguier once again meddled with what at first seemed none of her business: nuns in Bogota, Cali and Popoyan, the three main cities in Colombia.
There is no such thing as adult autistic, 2013
For the past 18 years, I have been photographing autistic and psychotic children in their family universe; this work, which will continue for a few more years, leads me to think and rethink my work as a photographer.
Atras del Muro, 2013
The untamed “Neros” agreed to take part in a photo session organised like a fashion show. If I chose to have my models pose « behind » a wall, rather than in front of a wall, it’s because I believe that our modern societies tend to erect walls - visible or not - between people.
The farewell to the river, 2013
The farewell to the river is an intimate tale of a double bicycle trip around the Gironde estuary. From Royan to Bordeaux, while the author Christophe Dabitch rode and gleaned stories on the Medoc side, I rode and photographed the other bank, on the Blayais side, each on his familiar land and as close as possible to the river.
Flowers of skin, 2013
Serie | From Japan to Singapore, passing by Thailand, Françoise Huguier went to meet a tattooed youth.
Rana Plaza Collapse : The Cost of Fashion, 2013
Series| On April 24, 2013, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, an 8-story building collapsed, killing more than 1,100 people and injuring 2,500 others.
The Table of the Hounds, 2013
Series | This series refers to the photographer being invited to dinner during a hunt.
Abstrakt Zematt, 2013
Abstrakt Zermatt is a photographic journey through the Swiss Alps with the city of Zermatt at the foot of the Matterhorn as its base camp.
Temps vertical
Serie | Temps vertical is a search for clues from my unconscious, as well as a search for light and poetic time...
Sweet Bitter, 2013
"The universe that Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt reveals to us is not a happy one. If he does not travel the planet to bear witness to the pains of the world, if he escapes the fascination of war, drama and blood, it is clear that he does not make a pact with the world of privileges." Jean-Christophe Bailly
To the Sea, 2013
These photographs have been collected over years and years of travel across the country, along dusty roads to nowhere in particular but on roads that always lead back to the sea.
S, 2013
Series | Warning: Images that may offend the sensibilities of visitors.
Gert Jochems wants to find out what happens behind lowered blinds and closed curtains. He is interested in what people usually keep to themselves.
The flood according to me, 2013
Raining things, plastic raining, various things raining... Shovels, wheels, boards, books, saws, buckets...
Spasibo, 2013
"Chechnya has won, Russia has won". Perhaps the losers are the many Chechens who chose to go into exile as a matter of honor. Those who stayed have returned to a normal life and can satisfy their basic needs after several decades of hardship.
Disappeared birds, 2017
Serie | The Museum of the Château de Dourdan gave me an assignment to interpret and highlight their collections: the ones exhibited in the rooms of the museum, and the ones of naturalized birds hidden for years in the reserves.
Giants, 2016 - 2023
Giants est une série d’installations photographiques monumentales créées in situ sur des échafaudages, inaugurée lors des Jeux Olympiques à Rio en 2016.
The Mud Warrior of Mumbai, 2017
It is one of the oldest akharas (places where wrestling is practiced) in Mumbai, founded in 1930 at the time of Independence. Kushti is practiced in Southeast Asia and can still be observed in its traditional form in India, Pakistan or Dubai where some immigrant communities still practice it today.
The Wayward Paths, 2017
Cruising sites can be found everywhere but not just anywhere. Once located in the heart of urban centres, today they are nearly exclusively located on the city limits or outside of cities: disused industrials zones, scrublands, motorway rest areas, and coastal dunes...
Belgrade, Année Zéro 17, 2017
The cold spell has just hit Western Europe and has already been raging for several weeks in the East. It particularly threatens migrants trying to reach the Schengen area...
Epiphanies du quotidien, 2017
It's been 20 years now. Why do you keep coming back to it? It's not an easy question.
American Dreams, 2016
American Dreams plunges the viewer in the history of America over the 60's. It is an immersion in the American Dream: with its glamorous icons, its Californian surfers, the conquest of space and its hippie aspirations.
The dead of the street, 2016
Serie | Officially, more than 500 persons died in the street in 2016. They will be approximatively 3 000 according to the association “ Les Morts de la rue“. In the street, life expectancy is around 49 years old, thirty years earlier than the french average.
Geeks2, 2016
Series | Commissioned by Cnap and the association CéTaVoir, a creation of images with the young people of the city of Tergnier, members of the association Geeks2, to go even further into their imaginary world.
Yusra, Free Swimmer, 2016
Yusra fled the war in Syria with her little sister. She didn’t hesitate to dive into water to rescue lives during the perilous crossing between Turkish and Greece. She captured the attention of the whole world during the 100 meters freestyle swim, in which she competed in Rio as a member of the Olympic refugee athletes.
Yo Soy Fidel : Caravane mortuaire de Fidel Castro, 2016
Series | From Havana to Santiago, Fidel's funeral urn took the famous road of the 1959 Freedom Caravan for a last stand of honor.
Ordinary Journey, 2016
Denis Dailleux, who has made Egypt his favourite topic since more than 15 years, immersed himself in Cairo popular districts to make the portrait of tuk-tuk drivers.
Bright Red, 2016
Series | My grandfather, the late Jean Pierrot, was a butcher in the small town of Fraize in the Vosges department in northeastern France.
Welcome, 2016
Series | Among those who go into exile, some are more vulnerable than others. In 2015 one in four asylum seekers in Europe was a child, some unaccompanied by parents, sent by them into exile because they saw no future for them at home.
Cosmos, 2016
Series |
« We dream of a journey through the universe. But is the universe then not in us? »
Night Falls on Europe, 2016
Serie | In January 2016, in northern Greece, the borders closed, leaving 46,000 children, women and men, traumatized by war and exile, blockaded in Idomeni, in the middle of winter.
Belgian Blue Blood, 2016
The portrait of the aristocrat is an art that is practiced less and less. In literature, in cinema, in the visual arts, apart from a few rare specimens, one cannot say that the subject is of interest.
The news « City of God », 2016
Serie | Immersion on the outskirts of Rio, in the Colônia Juliano Moreira, one of the many social neighborhoods built from 2009 to rehouse the inhabitants of the favelas.
NNIPAS, 2016
Serie | The NNIPAS project (acronym of “Nous N'Irions Pas Si” “We would not go if”) is written by several hands (photographer, illustrator, writer - the images presented here are all by Vincent Catala).
Harbor City, Los Angeles, 2016
Guillaume Zuili continues his work in the footsteps of the American myth he has tirelessly immortalized for over fifteen years in the neighborhoods of Los Angeles: Harbor City, Wilmington or San Pedro.
Paris Fashion Week, 2016
Série | Paolo Verzone was on site for Liberation, to share the backstages and podiums of this event.
Poland, 2016
Series | In 2016, I set off to explore Poland, after a conversation I had with a Polish friend, who was wondering about the future of her country.
Roses, 2016
Series | In "Roses", Brooke DiDonato uses wax and skin as her main elements.
On the edge of Afghanistan, 2016
Series | In Nimruz, a South-West province of Afghanistan, more than 200 000 Afghans have crossed the Iranian border in 18 months in spite of...
California Dream, 2016
Serie | California Dream is an invitation to travel in the mythical world of the Californian surfers from the 60's.
Those who leaves, 2016
Serie | With eight children by woman, Nigeria has the world's highest natality birthrate and is the 6th poorest country in the world.
In the Russian East, 2016
« In the Russian East » is an echo to the work of Richard Avedon, “In the American West” (1985), Considered as a master-piece of the photography history, this work gathers a series of “ordinary people” from the West, (West-ranchers, barmaids, gamblers, tramps, to do make their portraits.
The Real Edges, 2020
Series | On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the end of the conflict in Bosnia in 2020, The Real Edges extends and completes the first photographic work by Adrien Selbert on Srebrenica.
Cidade Bolsonaro, 2020
Serie | In the 2018 presidential election, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro scored his best national result here: 93% of the vote.
La Créole, 2020
This series is an assigment for the newspaper Libération. The photographer Adrien Selbert was photographed the 1 year of the collective “LA CREOLE” at the Club Le Chinois in Montreuil.
Bamiyan's Threatened Treasures, 2020
Series | Twenty years ago, the Taliban destroyed the giant Buddhas, symbol of this valley...
La dilution du souvenir, 2020
Series | Identity and our relationship to the world are forged around the notion of memory. It takes on many faces; a vagabond of time, it plunges us into a space other than the one we are in.
Epernay Museum, 2020
Series | Since 2018, Pierre-Olivier Deschamps has been documenting the transformation of the castle into a museum.
Bolivian Presidential Election, 2020
Série | 7.3 million Bolivians were called to the polls on October 18, 2020 to elect their President, Vice-President and renew their Parliament.
Approval, 2020
Series | On 25 October 2020, Chile voted for the revision of its Constitution in a long-awaited referendum.
Art & Fashion
Adrien Selbert was commissioned by the Libération, Néon Mag, Label Kiddermaster media to photograph the Paris Fashion week prêt-à-porter, fall-winter 2018-2019 collection...
Reimagining Dinosaurs, 2020
Series | Palaeontological science has constantly evolved through excavations, discoveries and the technological tools at its disposal.