Dominique Delpoux


Dominique Delpoux was born in 1962 in the Tarn countryside.
We know, from the first glance, that Dominique Delpoux’s photographic work is based on decisions, strict positions and that he makes precise choices that clearly situate him in one of the territories of contemporary practice: the documentary style.
He questions the world in which we live, through questions of identity and representation.
With his photographs, he questions, he makes us look closer to our daily life, he destabilizes us in relation to the consensus and the comfort.
In other words, because he knows that rigorous devices are, in photography, productive, he operates with modesty an essential questioning of the world we live in.

The Zadists from Sivens, 2014

Sporting priests, 2014

Another way of living, 2011

Cofra workers, 2011

Toulouse-Lautrec Museum construction site, Albi, 2011

Boxers, 2009

Rugby players, 2008

Country Veterinarian, 2008

The Saint-Michel jail, Toulouse, 2003

Mayors, 2003

Double I, 2003

Workers, 1998

Twins, 1996

Miners of Carmaux, 1993

Hunters, trappers and wolf hunters, 2015

The Zadists from Sivens, 2014

Sporting priests, 2014

Another way of living, 2011

Cofra workers, 2011

Toulouse-Lautrec Museum construction site, Albi, 2011

Boxers, 2009

Rugby players, 2008

Country Veterinarian, 2008

The Saint-Michel jail, Toulouse, 2003

Mayors, 2003

Double I, 2003

Workers, 1998

Twins, 1996

Miners of Carmaux, 1993

Hunters, trappers and wolf hunters, 2015

The Zadists from Sivens, 2014

Sporting priests, 2014

Another way of living, 2011

Cofra workers, 2011

Toulouse-Lautrec Museum construction site, Albi, 2011

Boxers, 2009

Rugby players, 2008

Country Veterinarian, 2008

The Saint-Michel jail, Toulouse, 2003

Mayors, 2003

Double I, 2003

Workers, 1998

Twins, 1996

Miners of Carmaux, 1993

FIACRE Grant (France)
For the series « Twins »

Kodak Award for Photographic Criticism (France)