Guillaume Herbaut


© Richard Dumas
French photographer, member of Agence VU’ since 2021, based in Paris (France).
While doing press assignments, his documentary work takes him to places marked by the past and presenting him with symbols and history to address in a bid to reveal dramas now invisible: Chernobyl, Auschwitz, Nagasaki, and, more recently, the conflict in Ukraine. His photographs have been exhibited in many festivals and venues (e.g. in Paris, at the Jeu de Paume museum, the Maison Rouge and la grande Arche du Photojournalisme). Guillaume Herbaut has received a number of distinctions, including three World Press awards, a Visa d’or, the Niépce Prize (2011) and the Bayeux-Calvados award for war correspondents (2016, in the Web-journalism category, for his logbook on Ukraine produced by Arte Info).
His book Ukraine, Terre désirée, published by Éditions Textuel in 2022, follows the origins of the conflict through twenty years of reporting.
“ Guillaume Herbaut has made photography embark on a process that is the reverse of current affairs coverage, extending on-the-spot reporting and adding scenes developed on a scale worthy of the narration of legends. To construct such an ambitious initiative, he has embraced the chronological and spatial dimension of both history in the making and History with a capital “H” where mankind grapples with human destiny. Subjects range from the glory of technology (nuclear power), instruments of power (weapons), and aspirations for democracy (revolution in Ukraine), to threats to health, base greed and the scourge of totalitarianism. Guillaume Herbaut has photographed the collapse of the modern-day Empire.
The power of pictures is a pivotal element in the shift from news to legend. Each key chapter written and comprising Guillaume Herbaut’s work stands as an exploration of the esthetic resources of photography and of the references built up over the two centuries that photography has existed; and it is an exploration of the possibility of using raw stories to imagine the world.
Guillaume Herbaut appears to be wondering whether photography can still be a source of edification. Yes, it can, when an original story and specific locations are transformed to attain universal scope. The Zone is the expression of decline, the Square the expression of hope, the naked body an iconoclastic version of The Origin of the World, bare breasts the image of future revolution. Guillaume Herbaut has dared; he has dared take photos in a way similar to the writing of tragedy. But catharsis is not for moral pronouncements; it is a means for us to visualize our fears.
As we pursue the photographic fresco, we can read Guillaume Herbaut’s log book, highlighting his role as a narrator. The relevant reference moves away from tragedy and towards the idea of epic theater as practiced by Bertolt Brecht: the actor addresses the audience directly, face to face. Speech creates the distance required to observe the dreadful events occurring on the world stage. The duty which photography has today is to depict events through realism that only photography can achieve, pointing to failings, noting impasses, while also noting prospects for hope, expressing sensuality both harsh and heroic. Guillaume Herbaut’s pictures, all of them, are like bad dreams, but wide awake. There is something deep inside his images that suddenly emerges on the surface: the foundation layer of the images that grips the eyes.
Could this be the final stage of photojournalism in its progress since the 20th century, a secular art, at the meeting point between things imaginary and things political?”
Michel Poivert – Historian of Photography

Hôtel Ukraine, 2024

The cadets of Odessa

Ukraine: Two years of war

Dark Souvenirs, 2023

Dear Soldier, 2022

Campaign Diaries, 2022

The Fifth Republic, 2020-2022

Ukrainian refugees, 2022

Ukraine, in the silence of the trenches

Ukraine, from Independence Square to the Donbas, 2013-2022

Mexico - Sinaloa, 2019

Sinaloa - The Gardens of Humaya, 2019

Weapons Shows (Work in progress)

Mexico - The Cartel War, 2017

Geeks2, 2016

Larissa, 2016

Femen the New Amazons, 2011

The Gates of Pripyat, 2011

The Zone, 2011

Mexico - Montaña, 2008

7/7 : the Shadow of the Living, 2008

Tchernobylsty, 2001

Watching and Killing, 2024

Hôtel Ukraine, 2024

The cadets of Odessa

Ukraine: Two years of war

Dark Souvenirs, 2023

Dear Soldier, 2022

Campaign Diaries, 2022

The Fifth Republic, 2020-2022

Ukrainian refugees, 2022

Ukraine, in the silence of the trenches

Ukraine, from Independence Square to the Donbas, 2013-2022

Mexico - Sinaloa, 2019

Sinaloa - The Gardens of Humaya, 2019

Weapons Shows (Work in progress)

Mexico - The Cartel War, 2017

Geeks2, 2016

Larissa, 2016

Femen the New Amazons, 2011

The Gates of Pripyat, 2011

The Zone, 2011

Mexico - Montaña, 2008

7/7 : the Shadow of the Living, 2008

Tchernobylsty, 2001

Watching and Killing, 2024

Hôtel Ukraine, 2024

The cadets of Odessa

Ukraine: Two years of war

Dark Souvenirs, 2023

Dear Soldier, 2022

Campaign Diaries, 2022

The Fifth Republic, 2020-2022

Ukrainian refugees, 2022

Ukraine, in the silence of the trenches

Ukraine, from Independence Square to the Donbas, 2013-2022

Mexico - Sinaloa, 2019

Sinaloa - The Gardens of Humaya, 2019

Weapons Shows (Work in progress)

Mexico - The Cartel War, 2017

Geeks2, 2016

Larissa, 2016

Femen the New Amazons, 2011

The Gates of Pripyat, 2011

The Zone, 2011

Mexico - Montaña, 2008

7/7 : the Shadow of the Living, 2008

Tchernobylsty, 2001
Ukraine : le carnet de route d’un photographe, 2021
En 2016, Guillaume Herbaut s’est rendu à l’est de l’Ukraine, dans la région du Donbass, et a traversé la ligne de front qui sépare l’Ukraine des nouveaux Etats autoproclamés, la DNR (la République populaire de Donetsk) et la LNR (la République populaire de Lougansk). Il s’est rendu particulièrement dans la république pro-russe de Lougansk, à la frontière russe, pour photographier cette zone sous haute tension.
War Trauma, 2019
Récit du photojournaliste Guillaume Herbaut sur les conséquences de la guerre en Ukraine.
La Zone, 2012
Un voyage sensoriel au cœur de la zone interdite de Tchernobyl autour de la centrale nucléaire. Une expérience physique et cérébrale, 25 ans après la catastrophe.
Guillaume Herbaut: Bienvenue au Club
France Culture
Interview by Olivia Gesbert , October 04, 2022
Guillaume Herbaut: “When you cover a conflict, I think it is essential to know the country, its culture, and its history”
Blind Magazine
Interview by Sophie Bernard, 2022
Par les temps qui courent
France Culture
Interview directed by par Marie Richeux, 2022
Culture Médias
Europe 1
Program of March the 31rd 2022
Interview by Philippe Vandel
Height years on the Ukrainian field after, Guillaume Herbaut wins a World Press Photo Award.
Guillaume Herbaut, de retour du Donbass
Arte news February 25, 2022
Interview by Richard Bonnet
Meeting with Guillaume Herbaut, back from Donbass
Des mots de minuit
France TV
Interview by Rémy Roche, 2019
Meeting with Guillaume Herbaut for his exhibition at the festival La Gacilly whose theme 2019 is: A l’Est du nouveau.

Par les temps qui courent
France Culture
Interview by Marie Richeux, 2018
Interview of Guillaume Herbaut on the occasion of his exhibition “Pour mémoire” at the Grande Arche de la Défense in Paris in 2018.
Maïdan vu par le photographe Guillaume Herbaut
Ukraine, November 2004 – Ukraine November 2013. Two images for two distinct revolutions. Each of them was covered by the French photographer Guillaume Herbaut, winner a few years ago of the prestigious World Press Photo. Euronews met him in Lyon, where he is exhibiting his latest work on the events of Maïdan.

Regardez voir
France Inter
Interview by Brigitte Patient, 2018
Photojournalism at the service of the symbol. This is what the “Arche du photojournalisme” proposes at the Grande Arche de La Défense in Paris, through an exhibition entitled “Pour Mémoire”, around the work of Guillaume Herbaut in March 2018.
Ukraine, Terre désirée (2001-2022)
L’Arsenale, Bastia, Corse
From July 1 to September 17, 2023
« Crépuscule[s] » – « Conversations avec Eugène Trutat »
Galerie le Château d’Eau
From 13 April 2023 to 14 May 2023
Ukraine, Terre désirée. 2001-2022
Espace Cosmopolis – Centre culturel, Nantes, France
From 6 April to 7 May 2023
Ukraine, Terre désirée
Bibliothèque Universitaire le Havre, Normandie
From 27 March to 27 May 2023
GEOPOLIS, Centre du photojournalisme (BELGIUM)
From March 31 to May 29, 2022
Terre désirée
L’Oeil Urbain Festival, Corbeil-Essonnes
From April 1 to May 22, 2022
Centre du Patrimoine Arménien, Valence (FRANCE)
From October 22 to March 13, 2022

Ukraine, Terre désirée

For memory

7/7 : the shadow of the living

Interviews with Guillaume Herbaut

Ukraine, from Maidan to Donbass

The Zone

Odon Vallet




Ukraine, Terre désirée

For memory

7/7 : the shadow of the living

Interviews with Guillaume Herbaut

Ukraine, from Maidan to Donbass

The Zone

Odon Vallet




Ukraine, Terre désirée

For memory

7/7 : the shadow of the living

Interviews with Guillaume Herbaut

Ukraine, from Maidan to Donbass

The Zone

Odon Vallet




Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière Photography Prize
For his project ‘Ukraine, the invisible wounds’

PIPAK 2022 Prize, awarded by the Association Planète Albert Kahn – “Grand Prize of the photo book”
For his book “Ukraine : terre désirée”, published by Textuel

World Press Photo 2022, “Long-term Project” – Europe
For his series “Ukraine Crisis”

Bayeux-Calvados War Correspondents Award – Web journalism category, France
For his Travel Journal of a Photographer, produced for Arte

Arthur Bertrand-Visa d’or magazine for image, France
Ernest Borel HK Prize, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
For his series “Ukraine, de Maïdan à Donbass”
2014 & 2015

American photography 28, USA
For his series “Nature at Chernobyl”, produced for Wired

World Press Photo. 2nd prize in the portrait category, Netherlands
For his portrait of Inna Shevchenko, a Femen activist

Niepce Award, France
France24/RFI of the web-documentary Award, France
The interactive work award. Montreal Festival of New Cinema, Canada
For his series “LA ZONE”

World Press Photo. 2nd prize category contemporary issues singles, Netherlands
For his series “The New Slaves”

3P Foundation Award, France
For his series “Urakami”

Lucien Hervé and Rodolf Hervé Award, France
For his series “7/7 l’ombre des vivants”

Kodak Critics Award, France
Fuji Book Award, France
For his series “Tchernobylsty”
2001 & 2004

Laureate of the Fondation de France
For his project about the forms of enlistment among children

« Culture » award of the Festival of Scoop and Journalism, France
For his “Fashion Week”

” Politics-event ” award of the Festival of Scoop and Journalism, France
For his series “At the School of the French National Front”