Gabinete de curiosidades, 2022

Series | Composed of objects loaded with symbols in the places of his childhood, now abandoned and almost in ruins, the images of Gabinete de Curiosidades explore the personal universe of Juan Manuel Castro Prieto.

Spitzbergen, 2015-2022

Series | A document on the little known role of scientists who come to observe and try to understand global climate change on the small Norwegian island of Spitzbergen, in the town of Ny Alesund, 1000km from the North Pole.

Border workers, pendular lives, 2022

Series | The social crisis linked to the end of the steel industry has left Lorraine economically drained region whose workers have had no choice but to turn to neighboring Luxembourg. An immersion in in this region, to draw up the outlines of a typology of border workers.

The lost sailors, 2022

Series | A testimony on the daily life and the difficult working conditions of the fishermen of Boulogne-sur-Mer, who live at the rhythm of the fishing seasons and the twists and turns of the Franco-British agreements.

Zoonose, 2022

Série | It’s a dystopian world, a wold of machines, of humans disguised as cosmonauts. A world where people die without seeing their loved ones, without touching a hand, without glimpsing a face.

Political billboards, 2022

Series| Vincent Catala documents Bolsonarist propaganda billboards featuring the far-right candidate's campaign themes during the 2018 presidential election in Brazil.

God Will Open the Sea, 2022

Series | In Rabat, a place where old and new migrants meet, house churches are emerging. A few dozen faithful meet to pray, discuss and exchange on life projects in and outside Morocco.