
Satka, 2023

Série | Un voyage dans la Russie d'aujourd’hui : Durant l’été 2019 et l’hiver 2020, l’écrivain François Beaune et le photographe Bruno Boudjelal ont séjourné plusieurs semaines à Satka, cité minière au cœur de l’Oural édifiée autour de l’exploitation de la magnésite.

Guardians, 2023

Series | The role of the guardians, though omnipresent in our society and recently revealed as indispensable, is far more complex than it seems.

Jack in the Green, 2023

Series | In the town of Hastings, in the south-east of England, the Jack in the Green Festival takes place every year during the May Day weekend.

Dark Souvenirs, 2023

Series | As I was travelling for assignments or personal projects, I began to systematically look for these souvenirs of trips: Chernobyl and its snowball of the catastrophe; Putin declined in several forms through time; Bin Laden after 9/11.

Science in India, a female universe, 2023

Series | In India, more and more women attempt at breaking the rules and at making a place for themselves in a scientific landscape where social and cultural barriers are still present.

Giants - Rising Up, Hong Kong, 2023

Rising Up depicts an athlete gracefully propelling herself backward above the Hong Kong skyline, inviting viewers to take off and achieve more.

Pension reform: a surge of social conflict

Series | At the beginning of 2023, the government introduced its pension reform project – an extension of the age of legal retirement from 62 to 64 or a prolongation of the contribution period – as non-negotiable. In response to this lack of dialogue with the social members, a wave of strikes spread throughout France.

Young & Queer

These photographs depict a portrait of young people in Ile-de-France who are eager to abolish gender boundaries in a joyful fury.

Passenger, 2021

Série | Associating colour with black and white esthetic, the "Passenger" corpus extends the initiation journey that is dear to Martin Bogren's photographic writing.

War in Ukraine: Over one year of conflict, 2023

Series | As we approach the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, let's look back at one of the worst military conflicts in Europe since the Second World War.