Sea Beach
Edition Imageless - 2024

Ludovic Careme - Portraits, 2018-2023
Série | Selection of some recents portrait by Ludovic Carème.

Mayotte, The Qadis of the Republic, 2022
Series | The Qadis ("judges" in Arabic), lawyers specialising in the Muslim personal code, play an important role in Mayotte society. Although the island is now part of France, the cadis continue to play an auxiliary role in the justice system. Ludovic Carème's series explores this particular configuration.

Without papers, without rights, homeless - Cédric Gerbehaye
Campaign in partenariat with Samusocial.brussels, Ciré and Dysturb.

Filigranes Éditions

Sucedió entre dos párpados
Ediciones Anómalas - 2023

Fiiligranes Éditions - 2023

Maison CF - 2023

Editions Le Bec en l'air - 2022

Concevoir et réaliser un film photographique
VU'éducation | Développement de projets | Du 13 mai au 22 octobre | Par Adrien Selbert