Kommunalka (extrait), 2008
À voix nue, series “Françoise Huguier, freedom in the lens”
Episode 5/5: Photography and cinema
France Culture
A series of interviews proposed by Caroline Broué, 2022
Cinema has always accompanied the photographer who is an accomplished cinephile. She conceives her work as a staging, with light and film scenes always in mind. But for Françoise Huguier, the attraction also comes from the objects carefully arranged in her studio.
Director: Guillaume Baldy. Sound recording : Andreas Jaffre. Program manager: Daphné Abgrall. Coordination: Florian Delorme.
À voix nue, series “Françoise Huguier, freedom in the lens”
Episode 4/5: Photography of intimacy
France Culture
A series of interviews proposed by Caroline Broué, 2022
In this fourth episode, Françoise Huguier details some of the recurring themes of her work: habitat, women, bodies.
Director: Guillaume Baldy. Sound recording : Andreas Jaffre. Program manager: Daphné Abgrall. Coordination: Florian Delorme.
À voix nue, series “Françoise Huguier, freedom in the lens”
Episode 3/5: The Duchess of Bamako
France Culture
A series of interviews proposed by Caroline Broué, 2022
Africa is Françoise Huguier’s other favorite continent, especially Mali, where she has made many trips and founded the Bamako Photography Meetings, to the point of being considered today as the country’s ambassador.
Director: Guillaume Baldy. Sound recording : Andreas Jaffre. Program manager: Daphné Abgrall. Coordination: Florian Delorme.
À voix nue, series “Françoise Huguier, freedom in the lens”
Episode 2/5: The learning of freedom
France Culture
A series of interviews proposed by Caroline Broué, 2022
Françoise Huguier and her family returned to France in 1953. She continued her studies there, first in a religious boarding school, then discovered cinema and took up photography. Japan was the real trigger for her. Then came the Libé years and the fashion of the 80s.
Director: Guillaume Baldy. Sound recording : Andreas Jaffre. Program manager : Daphné Abgrall. Coordination: Florian Delorme.
À voix nue, series “Françoise Huguier, freedom in the lens”
Episode 1/5: In captivity at eight years old
France Culture
A series of interviews proposed by Caroline Broué, 2022
Françoise Huguier was born in 1942 and grew up in Cambodia, in what was still French Indochina. At the age of eight, she was kidnapped with her brother by independence movements. She remained a hostage for nine months.
Director: Guillaume Baldy. Sound recording : Andreas Jaffre. Program manager: Daphné Abgrall. Coordination: Florian Delorme.
Dans les oreilles de …
Radio Nova
September 2022 – By Isadora Dartial
Interview with Françoise Huguier who, after being honored at Visa pour l’Image, exhibits at the Salon de la Photo.
Le Mag de la Matinale (Sonia Devillers)
France Inter
Monday September 5, 2022
Françoise Huguier, 50 years of photography: “I am attracted by the light of interiors”.
A pioneer: a woman in a man’s profession! She began by photographing fashion. Then she crossed Africa from Dakar to Djibouti and traveled to the far reaches of Siberia.
In Perpignan, the Visa pour l’image festival honors the career of photographer Françoise Huguier. Her work will be on display until September 11.
La Grande Table d’été
France Culture
July 2022
Omar Victor Diop and Françoise Huguier: Africa far from clichés
Meeting with the photographers Françoise Huguier and Omar Victor Diop who have in common Africa, a taste for others and a serious sense of the frame between the art of the portrait and the art of withdrawal.
La boîte noire
Canal +
Françoise Huguier came with some of her “curiosités” brought from all over the world.
Françoise Huguier’s curiosities are presented in the frame of her new exhibit at the Quai Branly Museum from June 30th to October 11th 2020.
Afrique Culture
TV5 Monde
Interview by Pascal Achard, 2020
Trinkets, masks, statues, toys, kitsch or sacred’s objects, a part of the curiosities of Françoise Huguier’s world are exposed at the Quai Branly museum. The photographer opens to us the door of her house in the Paris suburb to present us her fantastic collection.
L’invité culture
France Culture
Interview by Chloë Cambreling, 2020
The photographer Françoise Huguier signs a new work through the exhibit “Les curiosités du monde de Françoise Huguier” at the Quai Branly Museum, from June 30th to October 11th 2020.
La grande table
France Culture
Interview by Olivia Gesbert, 2018
The photographer Françoise Huguier has been travelling the world for forty years, giving the feeling that she has never been around. She was our guest alongside Pierre Haski, the president of RSF and former correspondent for “Libération” in Beijing.
Grand Palais
Interview by Eric Karsenty, 2018
Meeting with the photographer Françoise Huguier who tells us about her career, her inspirations and the place of women in photography today.
TV5 Monde
Interview by Patrick Simonin, 2018
Françoise Huguier signs “100 photos for press freedom”, the new album of Reporters sans Frontières (RSF).
Autour de Françoise Huguier
Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine
Interview by Maire-Hélène Contal, 2018
Encounter with Françoise Huguier around her work on South Korea. Screening-debate in presence of the artist, Valerie Gelezau, geographer and lecturer at the EHESS and specialist of Korea, and Herve Le Goff, journalist and photography critic.
Regardez voir
France Inter
Interview by Brigitte Patient, 2016
Photographer at the Agence VU’, Françoise Huguier crisscrossed the globe, from the cross of the Africa under 40°C to the Polar Siberia under minus 40°C. From fashion to report, from instant photography to staging, she keeps the same gaze for a marked graphism that is never lack of humor. She, who has been one of the creators of the Biennale of Photography in Bamako, presents us “Regard sur la photographie africaine” which she assumes the curation at the Blachère Foundation.
Tout un monde
France Inter
Interview by Marie-Hélène Fraïssé, 2016
Rediscovering in Seoul in 2014, where she had stayed and worked for a long time in 1982, Françoise Huguier observes, stunned, a world transformed by technologies and mass consumerism… “Virtual Seoul”, is the latest of his photographic adventures.
Dans l’oeil de Françoise Huguier
Interview by Yara Jamalielo, 2014
Encounter with the photographer Françoise Huguier who crisscross the globe for nearly 40 years. From Mali to Behring Strait, she considers that women’s rights are regressing.
Tout en retrait aux quatre coins du monde
Le Kiosque
Esplanade Simone Veil – Rive droite du Port, Rue du Port, 56000 Vannes
From 13 december 2024 to 30 march 2024
Opening on 12 December at 6.30pm
Festival Nicéphore, 17e biennale internationale de photographie
From 5 to 26 October 2024
HDB à Singapour
11th edition of the photographic festival l’Œil Urbain, Corbeil-Essonne, France
From 31 March 2023 to 20 May 2023
“Toute” en retrait
Visa pour l’image : International Festival of Photojournalism, Perpignan, France
From August 27 to September 11, 2022
L’Afrique Secrète
Galerie Art-Z, 75011 Paris
From March 24 to April 24, 2022
Exposition Françoise Huguier
Le Parvis Espace Culturel, Pau (FRANCE)
From January 26 to March 30, 2019
Ambassade de France, Minsk (BELARUS)
From June 11 to July 10, 2019
Françoise Huguier elected to the Académie des beaux-arts
During the plenary session on Wednesday 25 January 2023, the Académie des Beaux-Arts elected Françoise Huguier to chair V of the photography section..
Bellême Photographs of the Year Trophy of Honor
For his entire photographic career
Winner of the Albert Kahn International Planet Prize
For her humanist qualities and for her entire career
Winner of the Photography Prize of the Academy “des Beaux Arts”
For her project « Vertical / Horizontal, Intérieur / Extérieur. Singapour – Kuala Lumpur – Bangkok « Middle classes » en Asie du Sud-Est à l’aube du XXIe siècle ».
Winner of the Anna Politkovskaïa Award
For her movie “Kommunalka ”
31st edition of the International Women’s Film Festival of Creteil
Winner of the World Press Photo
For her work “En route pour Behring”
Winner of the Villa Medicis “Hors les Murs” Prize
For her work “En route pour Behring”
Winner of the Villa Medicis “Hors les Murs” Prize
Pour sa série « Sur les traces de l’Afrique fantôme »
Winner of the Prize “Rencontres Internationales de la photographie d’Arles”
Winner of the Kodak Prize for Photographic Criticism