Argentina, Children Hospital, (1986-1988)
Adriana Lestido made this report for two years, in order to document the daily lives of children in hospitals in Argentina.
The rooms of love, 1984-1987
The Chambers of Love setting had been ready for quite a while, ever since The Last Supper photo (1981). I was ready for the alchemy of burning and emptiness.
Fort Nieulay, 1987
Series | This report was commissioned by the Museum of Fine Arts and the Centre de Développement Culturel de Calais. It was produced as part of the operation of Social Development of the suburbs carried out by the City of Calais on the Fort Nieulay district.
Sahara, 1987
Series | The sensual and magnificent desert of Bernard Descamps is the culmination of a long-term project on spaces that crosses all the photographer’s production.
Chroniques d’un portraitiste, 1986
Gérard Rondeau made dozens of portraits. These women and men are photographed motionless, as if slowly. Rondeau gives them time to get used to his presence and, if possible, to forget its indiscretion.
Horses, 1985
Through Black and White pictures and square format, the envy of framing and creating movement inside the square, she manages to balance the natural rigidity.
Belgian Competitions, 1985
From the documentary photography, Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt was led to collaborate widely with the press and very early on he began his personal work with ensembles dedicated to the "Belgian Competitions".
The probable evolution of time, 1981-1984
In the winter of 1981, after a magnificent snow-fall, I made The Blazing Snow, the last of my staged scenes with dummies.
Zoologies 1982
Animals generally have the misfortune of being the ones to whom no one asks their opinion. There are many ways to measure progress (or progress), including the pessimistic view of denying the existence of the world u progress in the history of the planet.
The Swiss Guard, 1981
Serie | The Corps of the Pontifical Swiss Guard as part of the Military of the Vatican City is an exception to the Swiss rulings of 1874 and 1927.