Manuel Vimenet


French photographer based in Poitiers (France)
Manuel Vimenet began his career as a photographer in the late 1970s, first as a freelancer for the French daily newspaper Libération and then as a member of the Collectif Presse agency in Paris.
After having initiated a long term series in several French prisons across the hexagon – from Baumettes to Melun where the future pardoned Roger Knobelspiess was incarcerated – he decided to explore other themes and territories in order not to let himself be confined by his subject. In 1986 he made his first trip to China – which was followed by many others – and joined the Agence VU’ in 1987.
During spring 1989, he went to Beijing to document Tian An Men Square’s demonstrations. His rollfilms of the night of the 4th June massacre were confiscated by the army, but his photographic work documenting the daily popular demonstrations in May remained.
During autumn of the same year, he was assigned to squatting artists of an underground district of East Berlin. He was there, on the field, to witness the “surprise” of the fall of the Wall, which he documented.
A few weeks later, he headed to Bucharest to cover the end of the Ceausescu regime and document the living conditions in Romania.
Back in France, he continued his documentary work on the French prisons until 1991 besides being assigned by press titles for different reportages.
He then settled in Poitiers where he became a staff photographer and then a video maker for the Futuroscope Park. He then resumed his activity as a freelance photographer, documenting the political and social life in Poitiers: from the Yellow Vests demonstrations to the Black Lives Matter movement and the March for the Climate.

The Romanian Revolution, 1989

Berlin Wall Fall, 1989

Tiananmen Square Protests, 1989

China, Illustrations, 1987-1990

The Romanian Revolution, 1989

Berlin Wall Fall, 1989

Tiananmen Square Protests, 1989

China, Illustrations, 1987-1990

The Romanian Revolution, 1989

Berlin Wall Fall, 1989

Tiananmen Square Protests, 1989
France 3 – Nouvelle Aquitaine
Manuel Vimenet talks about the fall of the Berlin Wall through his photographs.
Manuel Vimenet
Association “On y va”
Interview by Michel Paradinas, 2018
Video dedicated to the photographer Manuel Vimenet, broadcast during PasseVues on April 6, 2018 at L’Alternateur and CSC Grand Nord, in Niort.