To the last path, 2000
To the last path. This is what is written, in english, arabic and hebrew on a road sign at the south-west of the old town of Jerusalem, on the edge of the Kidron valley.
Duet, 2000
Monkey or dog, strange or familiar animal, Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt does not describe. He fixes the moment of an encounter between two beings so close, so different.
Strange Days, Czech Republic, 2000
Usti nad Labem is an industrial town situated in the north of the Czech Republic against the German border.
Persons With Disabilities, 2000
Serie | This work was carried out in the Paris region with & in the establishments of the association "Les Amis de l'Atelier"
Perú, viaje al sol, 1990-2000
Series | When he travelled there in 1990 to take some prints from negatives by Martin Chambi, his favorite photographer, Juan Manuel Castro Prieto had already turned Peru into a personal myth that he would never stop exploring.
Soft Machines, 2000
Series | A RealDoll only bends when you ask her. She does not splay flat, under the worst exertion. She is heavy, solid, neither hollow or inflatable, but reinforced with steel rods, the flesh made of three kinds of silicon of variable softness.
Farmers, Father and Son, 2000
The Ministry of Culture commissioned many photographers during the Y2K changeover. This commission entitled "the most beautiful age" is a panorama of French youth at the beginning of the 21st century.
Duos, 2000
In the soft light of his compositions, Quentin Bertoux metaphorically illustrates life scenes, which, despite their immobility, are transformed into a living narrative.
Silent Europe, 2000
Serie | When I set out to photograph West Berlin in 1979, I wanted to understand how such a highly civilized people as the Germans could have created the horrors of Nazism, a phenomenon unique in history.
Memories of liquid days, 2000
Series | Serge Picard doesn’t stop, in his works order as well as in his research, questioning the realism in photography.