Congo in Limbo, 2007-2010

Series | Congo in Limbo is Cédric Gerbehaye's photographic essay on the Democratic Republic of Congo, the fruit of time spent on the ground and his rigorous commitment.

The Holy Hour, 2010

In autumn of 2010 I travelled to India to photograph the pilgrims of one of the world's most ancient religions : Hinduism. From dawn to dusk, when light blends with the elements, I went to meet these followers, focusing my work on their gestures.

Pop Life, 2010

When a naked Boby Lapointe, in his bath, meets the like of an androgynous Allandin-Sane-era David Bowie, that's because photographer David Sauveur is playing with his own musical references.

An age of iron and concrete, 2010

series | Something happened when Rip Hopkins went to Musée de la Préhistoire, the most unknown, the less accessible, the most 'ancient' in France.

Another Country – the British in France, 2010

Rip Hopkins’ 68 portraits provide a record that is both personal and objective, showing the real and imaginary world of British expats in France.

Afghanistan, 2006-2010

Series | Between 2006 and 2010, Louie Palu made several visits to Afghanistan, the country where the US-led coalition was deployed in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Mexico, 2010

Series | Mexico, Durango, october-november 2010

Ethnic Chinese in South East Asia, 2010

Série | Try ask the way in Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur, you most probably got a favor from a Chinese. As it in Singapore, you might actually regard it as an Ethnic Chinese country; with over 90% population are Ethnic Chinese...

A Wall on the Horizon, 2010

Series | For four years I created workshops for pupils of a reception class at the ''Jean Renoir'' secondary school in Bondy. This project benefits from three sound creators (Anna Salzberg, Arnaud Forest, Jeanne Robet) and one photographer working together.

Web Side Story, 2010

Our society is one of media explosion: between sounds, images and instantaneousness, the Internet is the paroxysm of it. The new social networks make it possible to connect with the whole world. From chat sites, they are now moving to streaming video communication.