Chinese jeans, 2011
Serie | 800 millions of jeans per year, twice of the legs, four time more of the pockets and even more passengers in whom we will slip a belt… In Xintang, 50 kilometers from Canton in China, these numbers are calculated in sweat, in hours of work, in toxic waste rejected into the rivers, in decibels.
Hidden Versailles, 2011
Series | Pierre-Olivier Deschamps brings to light what was conceived to remain in the shadows thereby revealing the hidden side and part of the secrets of Louis XIV's palace.
Sasha , 2011
Serie | “For a long time, I have been interested in girl teenagers’ rites of passage, sacred for the time of a party: Sweet sixteen in USA, Quinceanera in Cuba and new “proms” in Russia…
Quelques Afriques, 2011
Series | Bernard Descamps feels good in Africa. Intending to meet landscapes and men, he mixes up with Berbers, Fulani, Bozo people, Pygmy people; the pictures of these populations have deeply moved anyone who has looked at them.
Brésils - Sao Paulo, 2008-2011
Series | Ludovic Carème focused his gaze on a small favela, Agua Branca, and, in an approach radically inscribed in the tradition and aesthetics of documentary photography, he simply invites us to observe.
The Moscow Project, 1991-2011
Series | A camera can be a time machine. This has become the backbone of the Moscow portrait series, a collaboration between two photographs spanning two decades.
The Zone, 2011
Série| “There, in front of me, I can see the bridge covered in snow, the blue-tinged light at night, and wolf tracks. I have been in the Chernobyl exclusion zone for two days. I never wanted to go back. I am both attracted and repelled."
Wanawake, Being a Woman in Congo, 2011
Series | Every minute in the world a woman dies of childbirth. 99% of these women live in developing countries. More than half of them live in sub-Saharan Africa.
Festival Jane Austen, Australie, 2011
Serie | Two hundred years ago was the first time Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility“ was published. For the past 4 years, an offshoot of the famous Jane Austen Festival in Bath (England) has been held in April in Canberra, the Australian capital...
Extimacy, craving for visibility, 2011
Serie | What are those who broadcast their image on the Internet through webcams looking for? And what do those who watch them get out of it?