short films
VISION #54 — Nolwenn Brod
Interview by Nando Gizzi,
Produced by Aliocha Boi/ Noyau.studio
“Obsessed with signs”, as she defines herself, Nolwenn Brods her photographic’s story by following the power of details and forms, in search of a rhythm which the meeting is the center – what happens between her and the other. She calls it the “interstice”.
“Les hautes solitudes”, program “Par les temps qui courent”
France Culture
Program directed by Marie Richeux, 2023.
Interview with Nolwenn Brod for her exhibition “Les hautes solitudes” at the Musée de Bretagne- Les champs Libres.
Photographing one’s relation to the other
Les Champs Libres
Interview of Nolwenn Brod about her series Hautes Solitudes and her encounter with Claire.
“It is the stammering of the moment that is just born that interests me.”
Les Champs Libres
Interview conducted for the exhibition Les hautes solitudes presented at the Musée de Bretagne. Interview by Antoine Blanchet.
“In Rennes, “Les Hautes solitudes” by Nolwenn Brod” program “Affaire à suivre”
France Culture
Program directed by Arnaud Laporte, Lucile Commeaux, Marie Sorbier, 2022.
With “Les Hautes solitudes”, Nolwenn Brod directs her gaze to Brittany and its inhabitants, exploring the many dimensions of the city of Brest.
Interview for France Fine Art during the exhibition at La galerie du jour Agnès b.
France Fine Art
Interview with Nolwenn Brod, 2021.
Interview for the exhibition at La Fab, Galerie du Jour, Agnès b
La Fab
Interview with Nolwenn Brod, 2021.
“The Villa Noailles in pictures”, “Regardez Voir” program
France Inter
Program directed by Brigitte Patient, 2017. Interview with Nolwenn Brod, Paul Rousteau, and Raphaëlle Stopin, about the photo exhibitions of the Festival in Hyères.
“Le Temps de l’immaturité”
Photography Biennale of Mulhouse
From September to October 2020
“Le Temps de l’immaturité”
La Galerie du jour, Agnès b. (Paris)
From 11 November to 1rst December 2021
“Le Temps de l’immaturité”
Photography Biennale of Mulhouse
From Septembre to Octobre 2020
“Le Temps de l’immaturité”
Lodz Fotofestiwal (Pologne)
From June 13 to 30 2019
Galerie Confluence, Nantes, France
From 4 May to 22 June 2019
“La Ritournelle””
Galerie VU’, Paris, France
From 09 September to 28 October 2017
“La Ritournelle”
International Fashion and Photography Festival of Hyères, France
From 27 April to 24 May 2017
“La Ritournelle”
Château d’eau Gallery, Toulouse
From 08 to 30 April 2017