
Cespedosa, 1977-2015

Series | Several years after “Diario familiar“, Juan Manuel Castro Prieto dedicated a new serie to Cespedosa, the village of his childhood...

The Missing, Uganda, 2015

Series | During the civil war that ravaged northern Uganda between 1987 and 2008, thousands of children were kidnapped and forced into the LRA rebellion. Their families continue to wait and hope for their return.

Hunters, trappers and wolf hunters, 2015

Série| Portraits of hunters, trappers and wolf hunters who have, or have given themselves, the role of regulating wildlife in France.

Vietnam, 2015

In 2015, Franck Ferville set off to discover Vietnam, stopping in a few cities in the north of the country.

Bangkok in technicolor, 2015

The morphing of Bangkok is now nearly complete ; the result a strange mutation, a new environment garish and alien.

Songe d'oubli

Series | On the page of the notebook where I write, the dream projects, diffuse and imprecise, images that still retain the torpor and laxity of their own dream of oblivion...

Learn how to die in South Korea, 2015

Serie | With 39 suicides committed every day, South Korea holds a sad record in the world. Seniors commit suicide four times more in South Korea than in the other OECD countries.

Oran, in the Footsteps of Kamel Daoud, 2015

In the city of Oran, the photographer Ferhat Bouda went to meet the Algerian journalist and intellectual Kamel Daoud, who confides in Algeria and the "radiant city". Between the man and the city, an astonishing closeness is woven.

Gender Bender, 2015

Serie | Now, 100 years after women in Denmark were given the right to vote, the gender is up for negotiation.

Hollow, 2015

The city seems in the grip of an insurmountable winter. Unless it is him who holds it in thrall; he drifts alone, a stranger to himself. Trapped in the absurdity of being in the world when any horizon looks like a dead end.