London Fashion Week, 2008

Series | A famous fashion designer once said that fashion exists to distract us from the reality of death. Here is a fragment of the life and backstage bustle of some of the London fashion shows captured by Michael Grieve.

No Love Lost, British sex Industry, 2008

Series | No Love Lost is a visual itinerary documenting people who use their sexuality as a commodity. The seemingly spiritually vacant environments of prostitution, pornography and stripping, invoke a sense of unfulfilled and dislocated lives.

The Serbian Memory of Kosovo, 2008

Series | Under UN protection since June 1999, the Albanians of Kosovo have declared their independence on February 17, 2008.

Women Are Heroes – Exposition à Paris, 2009

Serie | When he proposed the Women are Heroes project in Africa, Asia and South America he promised to the women he met to take their story around the world. To keep his words, JR and his communities realize in September 2009 a huge exhibition on l'Ile Saint Louis, Paris.

Black Sea, Between Chronicle and Fiction, Part 2, 2008

Serie | For several months she photographed exclusively in black and white the six coastal countries of Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.

Rêve d'Orient, 2008

Series | Rêve d’Orient (Dream of the Orient) combines three series which were produced in the Far East between 2005 and 2008: Trans­-Siberian, Lost in China and Japanese Whispers.

In the footsteps of Joan of Arc, 2007

Série | The 600-kilometer journey between Domrémy and Chinon traces the route taken by Joan of Arc on her way to meet the French king Charles VII in 1429.

Travel, (1996-2007)

The series "Travel 1996-2003" covers trips to Sicily, Japan, and Turkey that were commissioned, "carte blanche" or by invitation.

Black Sea, Between Chronicle and Fiction, Part1, 2007

Serie | On eight occasions, the British photographer Vanessa Winship visited the shores of the Black Sea.

Cooking Alchemists, 2007

This work is the fruit of the encounter between the Cook Pierre Gagnaire and the chemist Hervé This over the written work of Nicolas Bonnefons, Louis XIV's servant...