Zero Position, 2022
« Zero Position », du photographe et cinéaste canadien Louie Palu, offre un instantané brutal des ravages de la guerre dans l’est de l’Ukraine. Tourné en 2016, bien avant l’invasion de 2022, mais à un moment où les séparatistes alliés à la Russie avaient déjà occupé une grande partie de la région du Donbass, ce documentaire ne fournit pas beaucoup d’explications contextuelles, et encore moins d’analyse politique. Mais il a une force considérable de documentation de la ruine que de tels conflits armés laissent derrière eux, réduisant des centres de population autrefois en pleine effervescence à des épaves étrangement calmes.
Kandahar Journals, 2015
« Kandahar Journals » est le premier long métrage documentaire de Louie Palu. Basé sur ses journaux personnels des lignes de front du conflit en Afghanistan de 2006 à 2010, il explore l’incapacité de la photographie à montrer la réalité de la guerre.
PBS Newshour show
Interview by Jeffrey Brown, 2019
Meeting with Louie Palu for the installation “Artic Passage” at the Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas. Composed of photographs frozen in large blocks of ice, this work aims to denounce the melting of the Arctic ice.
Artist portrait : Louie Palu
National Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Interview by Warren Perry, 2013
Interview with Louie Palu about the Smithsonian Institution’s Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition, for which he submitted the photograph “Night Raid” taken in Afghanistan in 2010.
The Globe and Mail
Interview by Deborah Baic and Melissa Tait, 2020
Louie Palu talks about the challenges of photographing the Arctic during his 24 trips to the region.
The POV Interview : Louie Palu on ‘Kandahar Journals’
Point of View Magazine
Interview by Vincenzo Pietropaolo, 2015
“Kandahar Journals is a fascinating, fast-paced documentary about Canada’s military involvement in Afghanistan’s war against the Taliban in 2006-2010, from the perspective of internationally renowned photojournalist Louie Palu.
Louie Palu Talks Global Conflict
George Mason University
Interview by Rashad Mulla, 2013
Louie Palu was invited by George Mason University to speak about his engagement and practice as a war photographer.
« Cage Call »
Ryerson Image Center, Toronto (CANADA)
Dates to be announced
« Distant Early Warning »
Audain Art Museum, Whistler (CANADA)
10 June – 06 September 2021
« Distant Early Warning »
Visa pour l’image, Perpignan (FRANCE)
31 August to 15 September 2019
« Arctic Passage »
Harry Ransom Center, Austin (ÉTATS-UNIS)
12 March 2019
Pictures of the Year
1st Prize “World Understanding” categorie for the series “Distant Early Warning”.
World Press Photo 2022, Long Term Projects Award for “Political Year Zero”
These images examine and provide an overview of the context of the 6 January attack, when pro-Trump protesters invaded the Capitol in Washington DC.
NPPA Best of Photojournalism 2019, First Place “Environmental Picture Story”
Images from his project “Distant Early Warning”.
Arnold Newman Prize for New Directions in Portraiture
Images from his ice block installation project called “Arctic project” presented for the first time at “South by Southwest” 2019.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Image from his project “Distant Early Warning”.
Pictures of the Year International, 2nd Place Portrait category
Portrait from the series “Mira Mexico”.