Philippe Brault


French photographer and director, member of Agence VU since 2011, lives and works mainly in Paris.
Philippe Brault begins photography in the 1980s in Lebanon, where he testifies to the civil war and its consequences on the population. He then develops for press or NGOs, a documentary work on the political, economic, social, health or climatic violence done to civilians throughout the world from Guatemala to Indonesia via Egypt or Kosovo. Far from any misery, Philippe Brault also testifies to the hope carried by Barack Obama’s candidacy for the american presidency or by the fight against polio in Nigeria.
“If the stakes are still political, Philippe Brault’s photography cannot, however, be limited to its journalistic purpose alone, the question of the time of the shooting being considered independently of the media event. His approach, his aesthetic are fully in the vein of a new documentary, always more poetic and distant.”writes Joana Anisten.
It is through this filiation of long-term reporting that he considers new forms of multimedia production that lead the viewer into a new journalistic experience: in co-production with journalist David Dufresne for “Prison Valley” (2011), and “Fort McMoney” (2013), or in co-production Radio France and Upian for “Le jeu des 1000 histoires” (2013). He also produced audiovisual reports for Arte and Quark Productions: “Muslim prison chaplain” in 2015 and in 2016 “Justice for Chad” (co-directed with Anne Poiret and Alex Cardon). As director of photography, he also signs the image of documentaries or documentary series such as “Urbex Rouge” for Arte in 2019.
Since 2011, Philippe Brault’s photographic gaze brings to light more everyday situations : he paints a portrait of contemporary France notably through the Jeu des 1 000 euros for France Inter, and depicts the world of work with assignments for institutions or companies. In France, he covers the social movements of 2016 (“Nuit debout” social movement, labor reforms, states of emergency), thus opening up a wider documentation work on the relationship – militant or dissenting – of citizens to politics.

Urban Exploration in Former USSR, 2019

Fort McMurray, 2014

On the road with "Le Jeu des 1000€", 2013

Prison Valley, 2010

Cairo Forgotten Persons, 2009

USA, 2004-2008

An Ordinary Week in Guatemala City, 2008

The Serbian Memory of Kosovo, 2008

Bitter Frontiers, 2007

The lost sailors, 2022

Urban Exploration in Former USSR, 2019

Fort McMurray, 2014

On the road with "Le Jeu des 1000€", 2013

Prison Valley, 2010

Cairo Forgotten Persons, 2009

USA, 2004-2008

An Ordinary Week in Guatemala City, 2008

The Serbian Memory of Kosovo, 2008

Bitter Frontiers, 2007

The lost sailors, 2022

Urban Exploration in Former USSR, 2019

Fort McMurray, 2014

On the road with "Le Jeu des 1000€", 2013

Prison Valley, 2010

Cairo Forgotten Persons, 2009

USA, 2004-2008

An Ordinary Week in Guatemala City, 2008

The Serbian Memory of Kosovo, 2008

Bitter Frontiers, 2007
web documentary
Toxic Tour, 2021
From the poisoned lake in Romania to the radioactive wolves of Chernobyl, explorations in ultra-polluted areas to the borders of Europe. Take your ticket for a “toxic tour” to discover six places of fatal beauty whose toxic poison remains invisible at first sight. Contaminated areas, visually hallucinating and ecologically deadly, heralding a future where nothing seems to be able to stop the unbridled race of productivism. Fans of “dark tourism”, dive into the industrial waste of the 21st century.
The programme was launched on May 30, 2013
A documentary game of Philippe Brault
Co-produced by Upian et France Inter
The Jeu des 1000 histoires, an interactive portrait of contemporary France, is based on The Jeu des 1000 euros game show. The documentary game humorously depicts the daily life of the famous show hosted by Nicolas Stoufflet and produced by Yann Pailleret.
A little story factory, where a game of chance allows the viewers to get to know the people behind the Jeu des 1000 euros, its audience, and its participants.
All told, a 75-minute program with 1000 possibilities.
Prison Valley – 2010
Welcome to Cañon City, Colorado. A town in the middle of nowhere with 36,000 souls and 13 prisons, one of which is Supermax, the new ‘Alcatraz’ of America. A prison town where even those living on the outside live on the inside. A journey into what the future might hold. A web documentary by David Dufresne & Philippe Brault.
Le jeu des 1000 histoires
La Mégisserie, France
From July 27 to October 4, 2013

Prison Valley

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Prison Valley

Cela commence par...

Prison Valley

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AIB de la meilleure production online / cross média Award
1st Prize World Press Photo multimedia contest
Adolf Grimme Award (Germany)
For his project ” Prison Valley ”
France 24 / RFI du webdocumentaire Award
Crossmedia Award of the Bellaria Film Festival
Italia Award for the best website related to a radio of TV program
Innovation Award of the Sheffield Festival