Finaliste Prix Nadar 2021

AWARD | Les Bords réels by Adrien Selbert, published by Le bec en l'air, is shortlisted by the jury of Prix Nadar 2021

MP#02 : announcement of the winners

September 2021| VU' and the Fonds Régnier pour la Création launch MP#02 and present the 5 emerging photographers who will benefit from the mentoring program from September 2021 to June 2022.

Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize

AWARD | Pierre-Elie de Pibrac shotlisted for the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize

La fotografia al femminile di Guia Besana

May 2021 | Sky Arte's series Le fotografe is a journey into the imagination of eight Italian women photographers and their research into themes rooted in the female sphere. The protagonist of the inaugural episode is Guia Besana.