«Only the outraged shall come in», 2016
Storie | Though the year 2016 is still in its earlier months, numerous social movements have already emerged and seem here to last. Strikes against the labour reform, opposition to the state of emergency, #NuitDebout movement, denunciation of police brutality...
Tabula Rogeriana, 2016
This photographic series finds its genesis in the book of Pedrag Matveievich, “La Méditerrannée”, and the tabular work of the scientist and cartographer, Muhammad Al-Idrisi; the “Tabula Rogeriana”.
On the Road of Sub-Saharan Migrants, 2016
Serie | Michael Zumstein followed the road taken by thousands of Sub-Saharan migrants as they leave their countries for a long and dangerous journey : from Banjul (Gambia) to the Libyan coast, including Agadez (Niger).
D'entre eux, 2012-2015
Series | Since 1830, Belgium brings together two peoples, united by the will of the great powers of the time to create a buffer state.
Supernature, 2015
Serie | Supernature is an imaginary safari which pays tribute to the forces of nature, its beauty and its poetry.
Childmothers, 2015
Series | Every year, about 2 million girls give birth before the age of 15. This corresponds to 5 500 girls a day, who progress directly from childhood to motherhood.
Funeral of Hocine Ait Ahmed, 2015
Hocine Aït Ahmed, born in 1925 in Kabylia and died in 2015 in Lausanne, Switzerland, was an Algerian politician and historical leader of the Algerian Liberation Front which, after Algeria's independence, embodied the figure of the irreducible opponent to the various powers in place.
Distant Early Warning, 2015-ongoing
Series | The project Distant Early Warning shows the gradual militarization of the Arctic, documenting legacies of the Cold War and increased military presence. Changes in the region have been exacerbated by other issues, in particular by global warming.
Tu es une Merveille (collections espagnole, belge et française), 2015
Serie | Inspired by the Wonders of the Cabinets of Curiosities - precious objects born from the mixture of natural and artificial elements, presented since the end of the Renaissance in Europe
The Wrinkles of the City, 2008-2015
The Wrinkles of the City is a project presented in various cities around the world where “wrinkles”, human as well as architectural, can be found.