
Here are the dragons, 2019

Series | On the occasion of a cycle of three exhibitions entitled "Here are the dragons" (Ici sont les dragons) at the Maison Populaire de Montreuil, Louise Desnos was invited to carry out an original photographic work which resulted in this series of images. Each part is marked by an emblematic advertising slogan: Because we are worth it, Come as you are and Just do it.

August Song, 2019

Martin Bogren photographed balls in the Swedish countryside for several summers and gives us an intimate and vertiginous account that condenses in a way the sensitive affirmation of his subjective visions.

Carry On, 2019

Serie | Carry-On is a new body of staged work on fear of flying.

Chroniques, 2017 - 2019

In 2017, JR started a series of epic participatory murals, inspired by the work of the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera (1886–1957). Each work entailed photographing and filming hundreds of people, alone or in groups, and then collaging their portraits together to create a narrative and highly-realistic composition that dealt with a place or social issue.

Bank Slate, 2019

Series | "Blank Slate" gathers a selection of studio works.

The Pied Piper, 2019

Serie | First series of self-portraits since IKWIG! (2011-2014), these images evoke the solitude experienced by characters who seem withdrawn from the world, both passive spectators of a world that goes on without them and entertainment for those who notice them, hiding behind their windows.

Amour, 2019

Serie | Claudine Doury first went in Far Eastern Siberia in 1991 and again in 1997 to witness the lives of native peoples. Traveling along the banks of the Amur River, she passed through the villages of Nergen, Bulava, Ush Gur, and Bogorodskoye.

The Yellow Vests Movement, 2019

Series | Born on the social networks and on the country's roundabouts, the Yellow Vests movement makes its demands heard every weekend in Paris and other French cities.

The Eyes Of The Territory, 2019

This project questions the control mechanisms in the public space where an individual who is not moving is suspect, and the role of citizens who engage in this type of surveillance. We will not see paramilitaries in the images...

The Europe of plastics, 2019

Serie | It is estimated that 8 million tons of plastic are rejected into the oceans every year. Or, the equivalent of one dump truck per minute. Europe is the second most polluter of the world.