Le burkini en Australie, 2011
Ahiida Zanetti lives in Sidney. When she saw her niece wearing her Islamic veil and doing sports, she had the idea of designing the burqini.
Toulouse-Lautrec Museum construction site, Albi, 2011
Series | Work on the restoration of the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi.
Somalia, Mogadiscio, 2011
Series | On the 06th of August 2011, Islamist militia Al-Shabaab retreat Mogadishu, living a city wounded by two decades of civil war.
Untimely, 2011
Serie | My moments whispered in the ear of the wind and then scattered across the oceans, fade away... And under the waves of oblivion, a foam of memories, alone, unrolls my light life, to the nucleus of dust where nothing has ever existed.
Distress, 2011
Serie | This depiction of the human condition and its interminable frustrations, from boredom to despair to resignation, is a contemporary reflection on the profound injustices that left Europe mired in tragedy for much of the 20th century.
Cabaret New Burlesque, 2011
Serie | This work was made by following the Cabaret New Burlesque for 2 months during their last tour in Paris, from the Theatre de la Cité to their nominations at the César 2011.
Va t'en me perdre où tu voudras, 2011
Series | A journey along the photographer's father footsteps, after he passed away in Ireland.
Red Thistle, 2011
The mountain range stretching from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea traces the restless, misunderstood mosaic of the Northern Caucasus, which features in the media predominantly when the endless sporadic wars turn into massacres or genocides.
Set 1
Série | Travail réalisé entre 1991 et 2020, ayant reçu le soutien de la Délégation aux Arts Plastiques (DAP) et de la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC).