Food for thoughts, 2009

Quentin Bertoux plays with food, and nobody seems to have a problem with that...

Killing Kittens, 2009

Series | In less enlightened times the catholic church, in all its oppressive wisdom, propagated the myth that every time a woman gives herself sexual pleasure god kills a kitten.

Ceps, 2009

Series | "Ceps’ picking is full of exhilarating mornings, promising woods crossings, walks along wild rivers, and hopes of exceptional discoveries."

Occupation Soldier, 2009

Series | Ad Van Denderen followed the new recruits in their training in Holland, and on mission in Chad and the Afghan Uruzgan: patrols and security operations.

Berlin, 2009

Serie | Unfortunately for the West, because their fates are crossed, Stalin, Rosa Luxemburg and Adolf Hitler have made Berlin the capital of the pain.

A Boat on the Marne River, 2009

Gérard Rondeau is a lover of the Marne. When he mentions it, the words clash with enthusiasm. So much so that he would almost apologize. He is bubbling. And for good reason, it is a story that lasts. For almost 4 years.

Unframed – Grottaglie, 2009

In 2009, in Grottaglie, Italy, JR pasted a photo from Chernobyl to denounce the fact that the local mafia illegally buries toxic waste in the ground of that region of Southern Italy.

Birdland, 2009

Serie | I tried to translate the primitive feeling we get when we are stricken by a virgin landscape, as rude, majestic and powerful it can be.

Set 3

Série | Travail réalisé entre 1991 et 2020, ayant reçu le soutien de la Délégation aux Arts Plastiques (DAP) et de la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC).

Cinecittà, 2009

Serie | Cinecittà is a large film studio in Rome, Italy. With an area of 400,000 square metres, it is the largest film studio in Europe, and is considered the hub of Italian cinema.