Morocco, Shemz’y circus school, 2012
We are by the seaside, in a poor district of Salé, in the suburb of Rabah. There is an old fort, eaten away by the years. In front : a circus tent. And inside the tent, a large warehouse, some offices and a canteen… This is where the Moroccan National Circus School is established, far away from the city center.
Working Class Heroes, 2014
With this series of portraits of workers, which the photographer poses frontally and integrates by a game of superimposition in their factory, Olivier Coulange questions both the worker's condition and the ambivalent relationship that these subjects have with their work tools.
Terra Incognita, 2012
Terra Incognita was born from the exploration of a territory by the very person who wants to be an observer and at the same time is observed.
Atlas, 2012
The Atlas series represents an autobiographical synthesis, full of obsessions, appearances and discoveries...
The Time of My Death, 2012
Series | This recurring confrontation with death, the loneliness of the dead, the absolute desolation of the corpse − all of these elements would be impossible to overcome without the mechanical and mindless gesture of a photographer.
Jukai Forest, The Ocean of Trees, 2012
Series | In 1960, Seicho Matsumoto wrote the novel "Tower of wave", where a couple of lovers commit suicide in the Jukai forest in Japan. This story gave rise to a wave of suicides in that particular place and people came from far away to end their lives.
Tokyo 7, 2012
Series | During my time working as a photographer after the devastating tsunami in 2011 in Japan, I became completely fascinated by this country, especially Tokyo. Despite the devastation, the Japanese were calm and collected and they showed almost none of their private sorrow.
Land of the undefined territory, 2012
Munem Wasif has photographed a blurred boundary between Bangladesh and India with a dispassionate and systematic approach that mimics investigation, topographic study, geological survey or a simple aesthetic search.
Usa, Beautiful Child, 2012
Serie | While child beauty pageants have existed for over fifty years, pageants in the United States have seen a recent explosion in popularity.
Faceless, 2012
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