
Les Collèges Militaires brésiliens (project in progress)

Serie | During the election of Jair Bolsonaro, the military colleges were accused of spreading in the minds of the new Brazilian generations an ideology in tune with the thesis defended by the candidate - and now president - of the extreme right.

Desmemoria, 2018

Series | Desmemoria is a testimony about the daily life of the inhabitants of the "bateyes" (villages) made from sugar and living for sugar. At the heart of these villages are sugar plants still in operation or disused and sugar workers bearing witness to the lives they sacrificed.

Iceland, 2018

Série | Franck Ferville travelled the roads of southeastern Island to discover a territory with unique landscapes.

Political Year Zero, 2019-ongoing

Series | This project is an insightful and long-term approach to chronicling the course of events leading to the American insurrection of January 6, 2021.

Icônes, 2018

Serie | An icon is an image, an object of contemplation, an unequaled model. It is the archetype, the primitive and ideal near perfection model according to the ideas of Plato

Hulls, 2018

Serie | Monika Macdonald continues her process of experimentation with the photographic act by working like an entomologist, considering the model as a specimen that she watches evolve, alone, immersed in herself, far from her social environment, in an enclosed space.

New York City, 2018

Series | Continuing his world tour of extreme cities (the most populated, the most polluted), Steeve Iuncker offers his impressions of New York, the city with the most billionaires in the world, through this series of images.

In Absence, 2018

Serie | The headlights cut through the darkness, we are on our way. Away from the everyday, away from the daily grind, perhaps away from ourselves, for a while. To what? Or whom Perhaps we don’t know. Towards something else; that’s what matters. How to live your life, and for whom?