The Immobile Barge, 2003
With each tide, it is discovered, whatever the weather, winter and summer. It appears then disappears, populated by ghosts and stories. A land of exploration, play and worry, it receives many visitors. Coming from all over the world on pilgrimage, we walk around it, we climb on it. The landing is suddenly real, a kind of longest day, infinite. And it has been sixty years that it lasts, the most beautiful day is the sixth of June. Everything comes alive, a carnival of costumes, ballet of jeeps and sidecars. It’s a bit like a big mop, the veterans get together and kiss each other. And the tide that rises and falls, we take a sea bath. Or a glass of champagne, the brass bands take the crowd on board. Drums and trumpets come alive, and the story can go on. Until the following year, the barge doesn’t move. It slowly rusts.