China, 2018
Shot during travels between the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, this series addresses the place of individuals, heritage and memory in a country in full mutation. A set of images that look, with a poetic and documentary look, at the transition period that China is going through, torn between tradition and hyper modernization.
“These images are the naive questions of a foreigner looking at a country where paradoxes abound and were made during my wanderings. I was confronted with moments of questioning linked to the territory (on the family, the couple, the workers, the destroyed districts and spatial segregation, the coexistence of communism and capitalism, etc.). The photograph then serves as “proof” in the search for answers. As in any wandering, there were also equally important moments of poetry.
I like the idea that events of various natures are always happening simultaneously and that photography can make them coexist in a closed space.”