Pia Elizondo


Mexican photographer, Pía Elizondo is living in France since 2003.
After studying philosophy and having a self-taught approach to photography, she obtains a master’s degree from the École Nationale Supérieure de Photographie (Arles) in 2012.
Since the beginning of her photographic work in 1993, she has taken part in numerous individual and collective exhibitions throughout the world: France, Spain, Mexico, United States, South America (Brazil, Colombia, Puerto-Rico).
Pía Elizondo has published the book Primer cuadro, has participated in collective publications and has twice been awarded the SNC (Sistema Nacional de Creadores) grant in Mexico. She has also worked as a photography teacher in Mexico and recently in Arles for “Une rentrée en images” in a pinhole camera workshop. At the ENS Louis-Lumière, she works in FI and FPC in various photographic workshops.
Recently she completed a long-term project on the theme of borders. She has also published a book entitled Entre deux.
Her work is part of the collection of the Fonds National d’Art Contemporain in Paris and has been exhibited at the Flaere Gallery (London), Galeria LMI in Mexico City and Neg-Pos (Nimes).

The Fall

Songe d'oubli

Temps vertical


Mexique, Mar

Los pasos de la memoria

Jungla de asfalto, 1998

Death is a bride

The Fall

Songe d'oubli

Temps vertical


Mexique, Mar

Los pasos de la memoria

Jungla de asfalto, 1998

Death is a bride

The Fall

Songe d'oubli

Temps vertical


Mexique, Mar

Los pasos de la memoria

Jungla de asfalto, 1998
Interview of Pia Elizondo
Institute for Creative Exchange
Meeting with the photographer Pía Elizondo, talking about her latest work : Death is a Bride, her creative process, and her views on photography.
Lecture with Pia Elizondo
La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
Meeting between Pía Elizondo and Mònica Roselló at La Virreina, Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona in 2017.
Interview of Pia Elizondo
Interview of Pía Elizondo on the occasion of her exhibition “Mar” during the off festival of Boutographies in Montpellier in 2010.

The Fall


Songe d'oubli

Los pasos de la memoria

The Fall


Songe d'oubli

Los pasos de la memoria

The Fall


Songe d'oubli