Under Pressure
The condition of males hasn’t changed much over the past 30 years or so, while that of women has mutated considerably. There’s a big difference in our lives, both at home and in the public realm, compared to that of our grandmothers. We have inherited the responsibility of proving we are able to jump from caring for the home environment, the oven and the gas hob, to creating a more expansive destiny for ourselves. When discussing this transition – of trying to find a way to balance everything when it seems like a constant battle – there’s always that feeling of a ‘struggle’ which bonds all women together, irrespective of their individual backgrounds.
“Under Pressure” is the portrait of this intimate fragility. It illustrates how we, as women of our time, continue running and tripping over in an attempt to deliver something more emancipated for our daughters and for the future generations.
The exhibition is composed of :
– 8 prints on dibond in 97 x 130 cm format.
– 2 prints (Condition#10 & #4) in digital print Glossy paper on dibond, framed in glass and white linden wood in 90 x 120 cm format.