“ The aim of this work, after the tragedies of Europe in the twentieth century, to consider America as a welcoming place, a receptacle of dramas of old Europe, optimistic transposition of misery, the brutality of war and revolutions.
The exile imposed on the American people a radical change that allows the price of a denial of its own memory, to integrate a new conception of the world based on the ephemeral, abandonment and movement near the nomadism.
Structured by the destiny of an exiled people that drew its strength and inventiveness in the rupture. Nostalgia becomes deadly and too distant future to dream. There remains then the privilege to create the moment and to adapt.
This photographic work born of a strong bias ignores the great movements of this “young culture” where information, spirituality, environment, culture, diplomacy, synonymous with consumption and profit. In the interest of focus, I have limited my field of investigation to New York, entry point to America, and the State of Montana, where the slow migration towards the unknown reaches its completion “.
Stephane Duroy