A camera can be a time machine. Through the art of photography, past, present, and future coincide to challenge our concept of time, change, and progress. This has become the backbone of the Moscow portrait series, a collaboration between two photographs spanning two decades. Albert & Verzone completed the first installment, a collection of black-and-white portraits, in September 1991, two weeks after the August coup d’état that contributed to the USSR’s collapse.
Equipped with a sign explaining in Russian that would the photographers were looking for people to pose for them, they sought out pedestrians between 10 am and 5 pm. Stationing our large format, 4×5-inch folding camera at strategic locations bearing political or cultural significance, and moved each day to cover a new neighborhood or demographic.
The Muscovites’ active participation provided a direct testimonial to the capital’s multitude of personal and social identities. Through their sheer scale, unity, and connotation, these images challenged Moscow’s official story. Asking viewers to re-envision this former Soviet captial and the current Russian one through these personalities made this work a marker for the present and a return to the past. The Moscovites’ enigmatic ability to define themselves rather than conform to expectations has encouraged them to go about this last series without pre-conceived notions. they wanted to be guided only by their eyes in order to revisit this city and challenge.