Temps vertical, 2013
Vertical time is a search for clues from my unconscious, as well as a search for light and poetic time. The title of this corpus alludes to vertical time, which Bachelard talks about in “Instant poétique et instant métaphysique”, and the work is a game of ambivalence that sows doubt and question in the spectator.
I think that photography is a mise en abîme of the real, and therefore reveals all its possibilities. An image is the point where the multiple entrances to the world intersect. In the photographs that conform Vertical Time, paradoxes emerge and the evidence opens up to a deeper meaning.
A fogged mirror can no longer reflect anything but itself, a gaze fixed on a cup opens to the infinite sea, a half-open door closes the step to a world that is only a reflection, the bride moves away towards a dark and wounded future, a plucked bird opens its wings for an impossible flight.
I think that here, the fantastic is not foreign to the real and that in these paradoxical images sowed with oppositions (liquid/solid, opening/closing, mist that cuts off space, etc.) in this clash of two signifiers, a third image is created, a new reality that it is up to the spectator to decipher from his own experience. The image here does not explain, it only invites a re-creation of itself. The poem does not say what is but what could be. Its reign is not that of being but that of new forms of the possible. In the invisibility of the visible, in the visibility of the invisible, I seek to lose the spectator in order to send him back to himself.
I think that poetic images provide us with a substance, an entry into being, an inner monologue. They are a sign, a promise of meaning, a mystery to be solved. They involve us in their enigma and give us a place to live.
This is what I want to invoke and evoke with my images: an inner place to inhabit.