Tara, Mermaid’s tears, 2018
On the scientific schooner Tara, researchers spent three weeks taking samples from the “plastic continent“ between Honolulu (Hawaii) and California. Their purpose: to unravel the mystery of plastic waste decomposition in oceans. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP), the “soup“ of micro plastics of the North Pacific Gyre, is one of the oldest of the five ocean gyres, these areas where marine currents circularly trap wastes, all coming from the land and human activity.
Human species, that reject every year 8 million of plastics into the sea, poisons the ocean, but also the entire food chains (fish and therefore human beings themselves). This phenomenon dates back to the popularization of single-use plastic in the 1950’s. Derived from oil, it facilitated daily life but it became a monster that we gave lost control of.