South Africa, A Decade of Democracy, 2004
Ten years after the end of apartheid, Guy Tillim reflects on a country that is trying to rebuild itself after several years of racial crimes that divided South Africa between 1948 and 1991.
Although apartheid laws have since been abolished, this new beginning highlights the discrimination that still exists. After the first free elections in South Africa, the population hopes that the political change will be reflected in the face of the South African metropolis, which still seems so divided. Social segregation has taken over from racial segregation.
Guy Zillim travelled to several cities in South Africa, where inequalities still persist. In Johannesburg as in Cape Town, apartheid continues to worth on the economy.
Several buildings in the city center witness social misery: Some have to live in very small apartments with several people and others are evicted because they can no longer pay their rent. Some businesses had to stop their activity, forced to sell their products on the street or in alternative places in order to be able to work.