Odyssey, 2022
Rip Hopkins gives a funny and sensitive photographic account of the odyssey he shared with all the inhabitants involved in the life of Corbeil-Essonnes.
An account of a more or less lively journey.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said that it is the journey that matters, not the destination. I like the idea that an encounter is like a journey towards the other, an exchange during the photographic process that I propose. It’s an intimate journey, made of mutual trust, which can last only as long as the staging and the pose. Then it’s over. What remains is a mixture of intuition and feeling that fixes this intimacy experienced during the shooting. We all share the same perception of time passing. With photography, I imagine that I have the ability to extend this time, to make it elastic. My photographs are the keys that allow me to reactivate the encounters and journeys I have made, which structure my past as much as they define who I have become. I am grateful for the patience and generosity of all those who met me in Corbeil-Essonnes. On the journey we shared, we tried together to illustrate the commitment they show. I hope that they will take the same pride in it as I do in looking back at the road we have travelled together.