On a given morning, we would ride the bus or a boat… we each had our disposable camera with us (except for the last two celebrations, shot with digital cameras). I didn’t supervise the shots. My assistant Antonin and I would run from one group to the other, handing out surprises: smoke grenades, gold paper, Bengal lights, drinks…
For 2 to 3 days after the celebration, we would see to the selection of the photographs, to their printing and to the arrangement of the exhibition.
Then came the time of the opening and the miracle of a true exhibition happened repeatedly. Indeed, we were invariably full of doubts before completing the selection: « what if it doesn’t work this time … ». In the end, the last celebration confirmed it all: choosing a unity of place, time and age, selecting 60 pictures out of 2 to 3000, infallibly leads to success. The participants were also amazed: these indeed were the photos they had taken, but this was going well beyond their imagination. Their sense of freedom had formed with our sense of freedom in the selection.