Fort Nieulay, 1987
This report was commissioned by the Museum of Fine Arts and the Centre de Développement Culturel de Calais. It was produced as part of the operation of Social Development of the suburbs carried out by the City of Calais on the Fort Nieulay district, with the assistance of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region and the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs.
The aim was to literally and figuratively portray an outlying district of Calais as an object worthy of interest.
Three series of photographs thus constitute the achievement of this topographical and human survey, of what the eye moving behind the camera surprised, saw and recorded.
The first serie is composed of interior views in black and white, a sort of succession of still lifes. The second, in color, presents the repetition in different apartments, of the same event, the one caused by the photographer’s fortuitous intrusion.
Finally, the last series, partly made up of color shots and partly in black and white, is both banal and strange, silent. It lists elements of the urban landscape that make up this area, identical to those found in all the suburbs.
These photographs, more real than the truth, are certainly not made to recognize but to attempt to know.