Crónicas de un desembarco, 2006
On a wintry afternoon, a little story came to my hears. The traces left by this story lead me to Maderuelo, a small village in Castilla.
For this series, the journey has served as a pretext for translating experiences and for arranging several times – physical, metaphorical and imaginary – and composing them as a reflexive, vital territory. Here, the journey suggests the frontier, that threshold where past, present and future make up the creative process as an internal entity that manifests itself in the landscape.
The series Crónicas de un desembarco illustrates the passage of personal experience through these poetic spaces where the unusual happens, where photography escapes all control, where no effect can be calculated. She does this through a journey without a goal, in perpetual search, letting herself be carried along by experience, movements, and finally by the desire to build an image of the world that reveals its presence.