Chinese jeans, 2011
800 millions of jeans per year, twice of the legs, four time more of the pockets and even more passengers in whom we will slip a belt… In Xintang, 50 kilometers from Canton in China, these numbers are calculated in sweat, in hours of work, in toxic waste rejected into the rivers, in decibels. The jeans factory is a hell on earth and at the same, a paradise for those who are looking for a job.
Xintang produce one-third of the global jean’s production for the main western brands, and two-third of the jeans purchased in China; enough to support the almost entire local population.
In Xintang, employees of the 2 600 jean’s factories, are working seven days a week and twelve hours a day. A half-day of rest, only one, the 15th of the month, when the pay comes in, between 2 000 and 4 500 yuans, equal to 220 and 510 euros, according to the orders.