Amour, 2019
Claudine Doury first went in Far Eastern Siberia in 1991 and again in 1997 to witness the lives of native peoples. Traveling along the banks of the Amur River, she passed through the villages of Nergen, Bulava, Ush Gur, and Bogorodskoye.
Twenty years later, she returned to the region to find the Nanaimo, Ultche, and Nivkh families she had met on her previous trips. In this way, she wanted to testify to the passage of time on these families photographed at that time, but also to the mutations that had taken place on a larger scale on these populations.
Claudine Doury offers an ethnography of the intimate. “In documenting the lives of these families, I affirm the need to recognize today these vulnerable but living cultures, while raising the question of the fate of these peoples”. This portrait of Asian families native of Amur is an opportunity to redefine the contours of a territory that bears the traces of its history: the conquest of the East, the arrival of the Cossacks and the Russian settlement over the centuries, up to the current influence of the powerful border China on the geopolitics of the region.
Claudine Doury is the 2017 winner of the Prize Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière – Académie des Beaux-arts for her project “A Siberian Odyssey” which made possible the realization of this work.