Philippe Brault — The 1000 Stories Game
La Mégisserie
14, Avenue Léontine Vignerie – 87200 Saint-Junien, France
From the 27th of July to the 4th of October 2013
The story of the 1000 Stories Game : stories along snowy roads, in villages where the red and yellow banner announcing the arrival of the 1000 Euros Game is flapping in the wind. Life under the street lamps at night, life in the weary municipal halls, life, joy, bond, reflection,… this is all of what the “1000 Euros Game” brings.
This exhibition gently tells about the French tour of the two entertainers producing the “1000 Euros Game” everyday. The exhibition consists of films and photos by Philippe Brault who followed the game for a year. It tells about France, pathways, landscapes, suburbs, working cities, sea sides, tiny hotels,… men and women happy of being reunited, of playing together for peanuts or even sometimes for the “super banco”.
This exhibition was conceived like a game and a small story factory where photos, sound and video make the spectator able to meet those who design the oldest radio game of France, and those who listen to it.