Galerie VU’
75009 Paris (FRANCE)
From the 24th of July to the 7th of March 2020
Emblematic figure of the Movida, this wave of emancipation of the Spanish democratic revolution, Ouka Leele never ceases to reinvent, to re-enchant and has no equivalent by the originality of his abundant and poetic work where painting and photography meet in a strange mix.
As unpredictable as her work is, Ouka Leele has developed a language and a writing that belong only to her. She stages incongruous objects in the subversive scenario of portraits or surrealist icons whose photographic origin we doubt so much her watercolour repainting disturbs our attentive gaze. From the tenderness of the pastels to the screaming tearing of an assumed kitsch, his imaginary fantasy, burlesque or situationist, transports us into a baroque world of fascinating unfathomable poetry.
Ouka Leele is rarely exhibited and despite international fame and recognition, his production remains inhabited by an extraordinary creative freedom, nourished by the passionate breath that seizes Spain freed from the weight of conventions and the cultural oppression of thirty-five years of Franco’s dictatorship.