Bruno Boudjelal — Le cousin Jacques, Mon histoire est ici
Exhibition 11 March to 31 May 2025
Opening on Tuesday 11 March 2025 from 7pm
La Capsule, Centre culturel André Malraux
10 av Francis de Préssensé 93350 Le Bourget
Gallery open Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 6pm,
Saturdays by appointment
Free entrance
In collaboration with La Capsule since the beginning of 2021, Bruno Boudjelal has been taking up a residency in Le Bourget and neighbouring towns. His photographic work will be accompanied by super-8 films, sound recordings and a written diary. Following in the footsteps of his cousin Jacques, an original inhabitant of Le Bourget, an inveterate surveyor and passionate photographer who died in 1995 and whose images have all disappeared, Bruno Boudjelal is paying tribute to him.
So I decided to launch a new project called ‘Mon histoire est ici’ (‘My story is here’). It’s going to be set in Seine-Saint-Denis, which up until now has been the only place I’ve lived, and I’m going to work on the different places where I’ve lived and lived. Le Cousin Jacques is the first chapter in this work.