Bruno Boudjelal — La traversée des apparences
FIFDH 2019
Le Cairn, Espace culturel – Meyrin 1, Suisse
Du 9 mars au 7 avril 2019
Every year, the FIFDH honours an artist who then takes up residence, in partnership with the municipality of Meyrin, to create an original work of art. This year, the Festival is delighted to greet Bruno Boudjelal.
A Frenchman of Algerian origin, Bruno Boudjelal practices photography as a way of life that constantly questions its own identity and confronts us with our own. In 1993, he left on the traces of his paternal origins in Algeria. This discovery proved the starting point for 10 years of a very personal exploration that bring him, between travel diary and testimony, to acknowledge the subjectivity of his point of view.
Series presented at the CAIRN: Ne mourrons pas fatigués (2019) ; Le voyage impossible (2006-2012); Harragas (2012) ; Frantz Fanon (2009-2013 ) ; Les Paysages du départ (2012).