Collaborative Project
Poussières – Le dérèglement climatique VU’ par Action contre la Faim

Action Against Hunger has called upon four photographers from Agence VU’ to bear witness to the effect of climate change on hunger in four regions of the world.

Whether in Chad, Panama, Afghanistan or Kenya, the photographers bring their own style to document the deep link between people and their environment. Their images reveal, beyond the figures and studies, the human reality on the ground: individuals, families, and social groups whose daily lives and food security are durably but silently disrupted by climate change.

The images were projected during the Nuit Blanche, and showcased during two exhibitions: in front of the Paris Hôtel de Ville as part of the first Photoclimat Biennial and at the Galerie VU’.

Photographers: Ferhat Bouda, Andrew Quilty, Cyril Zannettacci and Catalina Martin-Chico