Une caravane en hiver, 2020
Director : Mehdi Ahoudig
Image : Michaël Zumstein
Sound : Mehdi Ahoudi
Editing : Solveig Risacher
Production : Juliette Guigon Quark, Squawk, Patrick Winocour and France Télévision
Broadcast : France 3
Language : Français
Release Date : 2020
Duration : 53 minutes
In a small town of South Morocco, sheltered by a camping, some modest French pensioners move in every winter. For the first time of their lives, they take time to live and think about run away definitively from a France they don’t understand anymore. Between a dreamed Morocco and a fantasy, they try this adventure. Some meters away, a young Moroccan worker dreams to run away from his situation, carried by his learning of classical music.